Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cry Baby Bridge

Yesterday I got an email about a local bridge that my correpondent was describing as a Cry Baby Bridge. You know the story. Sometime deep in the past someone, usually a child, died in some horrible fashion on the bridge and now passersby can hear the baby cry.

Urban legend? Maybe. Usually there is no basis for the story historically, the bridge has just been picked because it is isolated and, maybe, a little creepy. That's the case with the bridge I was asked about I think.

I've heard and long been fascinated by these stories and this email got me wondering just how many of these bridges there might be in the state of Illinois. To that end, I've decided to try to catalouge as many as I can so I'm asking for help from the paranormal community and local historians.

Got a Cry Baby Bridge in your area of Illinois? Want to share the information you have? Email me at and let's talk!

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